
Humility and Matriarchy

Humility can sometimes be confused with low self-esteem, low confidence or meekness.


But researchers have come to realize that being humble generally indicates the presence of deeply admirable personal qualities. It means you have the ability to accurately assess your deficiencies without denying your skills and strengths.

one who knew

Humility and Matriarchy

Are you a spineless wimp or a strong self assured male?  What does humility mean to you? Are you embarrassed by your desire to serve  Women or do you feel empowered by your desire to serve Women?  Do you find spirituality in serving or is it just a game for you?  In my over 25 years of having men submit to me, professionally as well as personally I have pondered these questions and more.  Let’s talk…….


Let’s start talking about a Matriarchal society.  It has been my experience that those  of you that visit  me are totally on board with this. I have found in My many years as a Domme is that males that have grown up in a Matriarchal ruled household are the best candidates for service or for owning.  you are the most pleasant to be around and make me smile.  I’m not talking about a ‘doormat’ here, not by a long shot, I’m talking about knowing and embracing who you are.